by HeartLight Center | Jul 12, 2023 | HeartLight Center Blog
by Jenn Flaum, LCSW, MBA The Facing the Mourning curriculum is designed in four modules, to be conducted over the course of four weeks. While the exact curriculum © has not been studied through empirical research, the modules are based in evidence based practice....
by HeartLight Center | Jun 19, 2023 | Heart to Heart
Dear Fellow Grief Professional, and Grieving Heart: Since I was a young girl, I wanted to be a mortician. My paternal grandmother died when I was seven. She had been sick for as long as I could remember and even as a child, I was not surprised she passed away. The...
by HeartLight Center | Jun 1, 2023 | Heart to Heart
Dear Grieving Heart, Next to my husband Dan, my dad was my second-best friend. When told that dad had six months to a year to live, the news tore my soul. I silently suffered anticipatory grief. Even though I was trained as an end-of-life doula a year prior, I was...
by HeartLight Center | May 8, 2023 | Heart to Heart
Dear Fellow Human, May is “Mental Health Awareness Month” and I am grateful to take a moment to talk about mental health. (Especially because how we tend to ourselves and each other deeply matters to our overall wellbeing!) In sharing from personal...
by HeartLight Center | Apr 13, 2023 | Signature Series Presentations
Presented by Harold Ivan Smith, MA, ED.S., FT, DMin The Heroes You Never See: Bringing Your Whole Self to Compassionate Care Settings Presentation for Professionals Click Here to view the Recording Click Here for the Slides Click Here for the Handouts If you attended...