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Kerry Siggins female leadership development coach


Legacies of Loss:

Guideposts of Grief Beyond the First Year

This six-week interactive program is designed for individuals who experienced the death loss at least one year ago.

Created and Facilitated by: Les McCarroll, Ed.D.

Following an experience of the profound loss of a loved one, life can become charted by periods of uncertainty or loneliness or sadness. A sense of purpose and meaning may have shifted or have been lost completely. While there is an undeniable intensity within the first year to two years following a death, there often are other grief experiences that lay beyond that initial early bereavement period that may need a different tending and care. This six week interactive program is designed for individuals who experienced a significant death loss at least one year ago and are feeling stuck and would like to regain energy for living as well as a stronger sense of purpose and meaning in this life. This program works from a “problem-focused, solution-oriented” lens, and extends an invitation to create a new history of your life, a deeper “look inside” and to consider new ways to live without your beloved physically present.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:
Guidepost #1 — Permission to Feel and Express
Guidepost #2 — Quality of Life is About Choices
Guidepost #3 — No Step is Too Small
Guidepost #4 — You Can Choose Which Lens to Wear
Guidepost #5 — Want or Need: You Decide
Guidepost #6 — Purpose and Meaning Are Created


Please Contact Us to be notified for the next in-person offering of this group.

Cost: $40