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Kerry Siggins female leadership development coach


Continuing Bonds – an upcoming workshop

Sep 19, 2023

By Ariela HaLevi

What does it mean to continue bonds with your loved one? Continuing Bonds is typically used to describe the relationship that continues between a loved one who has passed away and the person left behind. I like to describe it as continuing the connections, communication, and relationships with our loved ones on the other side. This bond is strengthened when we open not only to the idea that the veil is thin between the physical world and the deceased, but especially when we create a closeness with Spirit, or Source Energy, and connect to the deeper workings of our soul purpose, and the love we can receive from the other side.

Most people feel their relationship dies when their loved one passes on from this Earth, however your relationship is not dead. It is very much alive. And you can learn how to communicate and continue the bond with your loved ones on the other side. This is something that we will explore in depth during our time together in the two part series that will begin in October.

It is possible to learn to create closeness with Source Energy, your soul purpose, and the love that is overflowing and never ending. Your loved one wants you to live. You didn’t ask for this loss, but what will you do with it now that it is here? During our second gathering, we will explore what it means to carry your loved one’s fire and live life without their physical presence.

When we gather in community to continue the bonds with our loved ones, we journey to the meeting place of our loved ones and begin the collaborative, healing relationship with them on the other side. We begin to trust in our connection by cultivating the still, small voice within. We move from a state of disempowerment and longing to connected and hopeful.  We can cultivate a relationship to Spirit as a wellspring of love and support, not to replace your loved one but to enhance the relationship you have with yourself. This is a new paradigm shift of co-creating with Spirit. From this place you can discover your new soul purpose based on the loss you have had.

I am honored to lead you in continuing the bonds with your loved ones and carry their light in this world as you navigate your loss and your own light.


Ariela HaLevi is a Shamanic Energy Healer and Jewish Mysticism Guide. She helps people connect, communicate, and create relationships that are nourishing and nurturing, whether that’s with Spirit, loved ones living and passed, or with their bodies and souls. Ariela helps clients remember and connect to their Sacred Center, that light within that feels like Home, a blend of soul and Spirit, to integrate with all past lives, ancestral wisdom, and the stuff of life. She can be reached at www.arielahalevi.com and [email protected]