Videos About Grief
Watch a variety of videos that address grief, loss and coping.
Nora McInerey experienced multiple loses in 2014; a miscarriage, the loss of her dad and then spouse in one year. Her TED Talk addresses the reality that we will all experience loss and speaks candidly about grief, being a “hot young widow” and integrating her loss.
TED Talk Nora McInerny We don’t “move on” from grief. We move forward with it.
Kristin Neff has spent years studying self-compassion and the power of how we treat ourselves. Self-Compassion looks at treating ourselves like we treat our good friends, honoring our shared human experience and being with what is in the present moment.
TED Talk- Kristin Neff The Space Between Self-Esteem and Self Compassion
Responding to people grieving with empathy, rather than sympathy, can make a difference. Watch this brief video to learn more about the difference between empathy and sympathy.
David Kessler is a recognized expert in the field of grief and loss. Listen to this video to hear David’s personal experience with his Loss of a Parent.