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Kerry Siggins female leadership development coach


Workshops & Specialty Programming
for Grief Support

We welcome you to join us for upcoming seminars, workshops, and specialty gatherings that explore various topics, care, and activities to support you on your grief journey.

Workshops can be a series or individual event. Cost and location varies per program.


Walking With Grief: Mindfulness Walk – Denver

Join us for a mindfulness walk that honors ourselves, our connection with nature and with our grief. A mindfulness walk is a type of meditative, contemplative, intentional walk that creates movement while focusing our body’s on physical sensations and what nature around us is doing and evoking within us. It can be a helpful way to copy with grief by helping to get out of our heads and back into our bodies, and in connection with the world of nature.

Date: Friday, March 21 10am-11:30am at HeartLight Center

Cost: $20, includes materials


The Anger of Grief: A Somatic Workshop – Denver

Anger is a “stage” of grief that doesn’t often get talked about, yet is an emotion everyone feels. There is a wide variety of ways that anger, irritability and frustration arise in grief. Join us in a space dedicated to discussing and processing anger and learn tools for safely experiencing and working through this complex emotion as normal part of the grief journey.

Please wear clothing that you have full range of motion in. 

Date: Friday, March 28, 2025
Time: 10am-12pm
Location: HeartLight Center (11150 E Dartmouth Ave, Denver, CO 80014)

Cost: $30, includes materials. Registration is required.

Caring for Family While Grieving: Intergenerational Grief and Loss – Hybrid 

Join us in a discussion, either in-person at HeartLight or on Zoom, about grief in the family. Family dynamics play a role when the entire system has been effected by grief and loss. We will discuss caring for each other and how grief translate in healthy and unhealthy ways across multiple generations, ways to engage in meaningful conversations together and addressing tough topics. In this hybrid workshop we will explore coping with loss personally while supporting others in their grief, self-awareness and communication skills, when relationships are complicated, and more.

Meeting Date: Sat. March 29, 2025

Start Time: 9amPT/10amMST/11amCT/12pmET

Cost: $15.

Healing in Nature: Finding Yourself After Loss – Denver

This 2 hour sequence of nature connection activities invite you to engage with nature. Spending time in a few areas, we move at a relaxed, mindful pace. At times you are alone and other times with others. Sitting. Walking. Being with nature. Reflective activities. Please plan to be there the whole two hours. You can always enter earlier if you want to spend more time in the gardens.
We will end with a short debrief and an informal tea ceremony. You are welcome to bring food to share with others, but not required.
Activities are invitational and can be adapted to your needs.

Sunday, April 6th | 4pm-6pm | Botanic Gardens – York Street, Denver

Cost: $20 and Cost of Admission at Denver Botanic Gardens.
Registration is required.

Caregiver Dinner – Denver

If you are a caregiver, or have lost someone you cared for, you are invited to attend our Caregiver Dinner. We will serve comforting food, experiences, ideas and support for current and past caregivers. If you are able, you are invited to bring a dish to share, but it is not required.

Date: Tuesday, April 8th at HeartLight Center from 6pm-8pm

Comfort Food Dinner – New Mexico

Come to a cozy environment and leave the dishes and worries about cooking at home. We will serve comforting food and create a space for sharing experiences, meals, and beverages. This gathering is open to all adults (18+) who have experienced the loss of a loved one – regardless of the circumstances or relationship – or are navigating serious illness and anticipatory grief. While bringing a dish is not required or expected, you are welcome to contribute if it feeds your wellbeing. Through the act of sharing a meal, we aim to nourish both our bodies and hearts with mutual support. In partnership with Bosque Trails Hospice.

Thursday, April 24, 2025 from 5:30 – 7:30 PM at Bosque Trails Hospice

Open heART Studio Online – Virtual

This online creative gathering will instruct the use of materials found in the home to explore our grief through use of various art activities, no prior art experience required. Cost: $30. Space is Limited. Registration is required.

Date: Thurs. April 10                      time: 3-5:00pm PT/ 4-6:00pm MST/ 5-7:00pm CT/ 6-8pm EST

Pet Loss Memorial – Denver

National Pet Day is on April 11th this year, and we invite you to join us as we pay tribute to the lives of beloved animal companions, honoring our connection, sharing memories, and mourning in community. Please bring with you a special picture or object.

Cost: $20, includes materials and refreshments.


Flow with Grief Using Tai Chi – Hybrid Workshop – join in Denver or Online

Join in-person at HeartLight Center or online from anywhere as Beth Gherardi, certified practitioner, guides you through gentle flow and movements that can be used for gentle care of yourself and your body using Tai Chi methods. No prior experience required.
Cost: $35. Space is Limited. Registration is required.

date: Sat. April 12                    time: 12:30-2pm (PT)/ 1:30-3pm (MST)/ 2:30-4pm (CT)/ 3:30-5pm (EST)  

Spring Remembrance Ceremony – Denver

Please join us at HeartLight Center for our spring memorial service to pay tribute to those we are remembering in a safe community of support.  In partnership with Arapahoe Community College.
All are welcome. Light refreshments will be served.

date: Sat. May 3, 2025                    time: 10-11:30am at HeartLight Center

Crafting Your Narrative: Writing and Sharing Your Grief Story – Virtual

Join facilitators Stuart and Cierra in the exploration of narrative – how we choose to tell our grief story, in various settings, and how we can gain a sense of control, remembrance and create legacy through use of the written word.

Cost: $20. Space is Limited. Registration is required.

Date: Sat. May 3                             time: 9am-11amPT/10am-12pm MST/11am-1pm CT/12pm-2pm EST


Adults Grieving a Loss in Childhood Workshop – Denver

Death experiences in childhood are often foundational but aren’t always discussed in the home. Please join us for a time of remembrance, discussion, engaging in a creative project involving mask making, and sharing about the lifelong impacts of significant death losses in childhood. Cost: $35, includes materials for mask making activity.

Date: Sat. May 10                                         time:  10am-12pm MST                location: HeartLight Center – Parker Rd


Spring Remembrance and Creative Expression with BACII – Virtual

BACII creator, Mangda Sengvanhpheng, joins us for an experiential online workshop designed to holistically guide us through all forms of loss, grief, and the end-of-life with an art activity. The purpose of this workshop is to mindfully connect us to the cycles of life in order to renew and deepen our experience of being alive. Cost: $60. Space is Limited. Registration is required.

Date: Tues. May 13                        time: 3-5:00pm PT/ 4-6:00pm MST/ 5-7:00pm CT/ 6-8pm EST

Intro to TRE Workshop – Denver

This in-depth intro class covers Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (TRE®). These simple exercises can assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension, and the physical effects of trauma. Created by Dr. David Berceli, PhD, TRE activates a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating which has a calming effect on the nervous system. TRE is designed to be a self-help tool that once learned, can be used to promote resiliency and better autonomic nervous system regulation.

Date: Saturday May 31, 2025 from 10am-12pm at HeartLight Center Denver
Cost: $30