Loss of a Child
A list of websites, books and organizations who offer support, resources and connection for anyone who has experienced the loss of a child.
Postpartum Support International – https://www.postpartum.net/get-help/loss-grief-in-pregnancy-postpartum/
Pregnancy and infant loss support groups, resources, providers, helpline and more. Services in English and Spanish.
Child Loss: Angel Eyes – www.angeleyes.org
Helps families in Colorado with sudden, unexpected death of an infant or toddler. Including: SIDS, SUID, SUDC, miscarriage and stillbirth loss.
Walk with Me – https://www.walkwithme-nonprofit.org/
Walk with Me is devoted to giving practical, financial and emotional support to families who are learning to live in the wake of their child’s death prior to or shortly after birth. It is our mission to provide refuge for grieving families and help them break through barriers that stand in the way of hope.
The Compassionate Friends – https://www.compassionatefriends.org/
A community for those who have experienced the loss of a child. Find resources, local chapters, support groups and events. National Phone Number: 877-969-0010
Mothers Against Drunk Driving – Colorado State Office – www.madd.org/co
Trained victim advocates, guidance through the judicial process, civil attorney referrals, support groups and memorial programs. 303-425-5902
National Organization of Parents of Murdered Children for the families and friends of those who have died by violence. Find local chapters, contacts and resources at – https://pomc.org
Colorado Chapter of POMC: https://www.colorado-pomc.org/