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Kerry Siggins female leadership development coach


Denver-Metro Colorado Programs

for Grief Support


Grief Support Groups

Special Events

Printable Denver, Colorado Programs Calendar

Access all of the Denver-metro and Virtual programs in one place.

Consistent Weekly Support


Facing the Mourning
4-Week Support Group

An interactive support group designed to help with the grieving process by using visual and thought-provoking tools. During these four sessions, the participants share their story, build memorials, compose letters, write in journals and develop goals with milestones. Designed for all types of losses, individuals and family members.

New Beginnings

6-Week Support Group for Loss of a Spouse

During the 1st Year

The days, weeks and months following the loss of a spouse or partner may be filled with many unexpected and challenging struggles. Within the first year, these may seem impossible to cope with. In this group you will be invited to partake in discussions and doable tasks to help create a sense of movement and purpose, including reflections and activities between sessions.

The 6 interactive meetings will deal with many of the difficult topics that arise during the first year after the loss of a spouse/partner.

Legacies of Loss

6-Week Support Group
After the 1st Year

Following an experience of the profound loss of a loved one, life can become charted by periods of uncertainty or loneliness or sadness. While there is an undeniable intensity within the first year to two years following a death, there often are other grief experiences that lay beyond that initial early bereavement period that may need a different tending and care. This six week interactive program works from a “problem-focused, solution-oriented” lens and is designed for individuals who experienced a significant death loss at least one year ago and are feeling stuck and would like to regain energy for living as well as a stronger sense of purpose and meaning in this life. 

Relationships and Grief

4-Week Support Group

Join author and fellow griever, Amanda McKoy Flanagan, for a 4-week group that will provide a safe and supportive space to discuss and process the different ways grief affects relationships with others and ourselves.

During the 4 meetings we will discuss topics like:
The way relationships change after a death loss
The various ways people show up (or don’t) while grieving
Role changes and how we redefine our ways we connect with others
Boundary setting and managing difficult relationships

Join a Monthly Grief Support Group

What is a Support Group at HeartLight Center?

Anyone who has experienced a death-loss, and is at least of 18 years of age, is invited to attend an open support group at HeartLight Center. Open support groups allow participants to attend as often or as little as needed and attendance is not taken.

Groups at HeartLight are led by trained, peer facilitators. Facilitators will open group with agreed upon expectations and then participants are invited to introduce themselves and share as much, or as little, as feels comfortable. Some facilitators will offer a reading or prompt during group, but groups do not have a set topic, which allows participants to ask questions and talk about topics that are meaningful to them. We invite you to attend group when it feels best for you.

HeartLight Center requests that you register for groups prior to attendance.  Online registration will close 24-hours prior to group.

*If you are a student or professional wanting to observe a group, please contact our Program Director prior to submitting a registration at [email protected] 

General Grief Group

General Grief Group
Growing Through Grief

An ongoing peer support and educational group for people who have experienced a death loss. Regardless of how long ago the death occurred, you are welcome to attend, helpful for those who are newly bereaved and/or new to our program.

Meets monthly on the last Thursday
at 4pm at HeartLight Center.


General Grief Group
Growing Through Grief

An ongoing peer support and educational group for people who have experienced a death loss. Regardless of how long ago the death occurred, you are welcome to attend, helpful for those who are newly bereaved and/or new to our program.

Meets monthly on the first Tuesday at 5:30pm
at the Woodbury Library starting in December, 2024.

Loss of a Spouse

Loss of Spouse/Partner
Support Group

An ongoing peer support and educational group for people who have experienced the death of a spouse, partner or significant other. Regardless of how long ago the death occurred, you are welcome to attend either or both monthly meetings.

Meets monthly on the second Wednesday at 4pm and fourth Wednesday at 7pm
atHeartLight Center.

NEW Loss of Spouse/Partner
Support Group Centennial

An ongoing peer support and educational group for people who have experienced the death of a spouse, partner or significant other. Regardless of how long ago the death occurred, you are welcome to attend either or both monthly meetings.

Meets monthly on the third Wednesday at 4pm at Horan & McConaty Centennial starting January 2025

NEW Loss of Spouse/Partner
Support Group Arvada

An ongoing peer support and educational group for people who have experienced the death of a spouse, partner or significant other. Regardless of how long ago the death occurred, you are welcome to attend either or both monthly meetings.

Meets monthly on the first Wednesday at 4pm at Horan & McConaty Arvada starting February 2025

Loss of Spouse/Partner Potluck Dinner Gathering

A monthly dinner gathering to connect with others who have experienced the loss of a spouse, partner, or significant other. Please bring a (simple) dish to share! Table settings and water will be provided.

Meets monthly on the 3rd Saturday at 5pm
**location will vary.

Men’s Loss of a Spouse/Partner
Support Group

An ongoing peer support and educational group for men who have experienced the death of a spouse, partner or significant other. Regardless of how long ago the death occurred, you are welcome to attend.

Meets monthly on the 1st Tuesday at 7pm
at HeartLight Center.

Young Loss of a

Spouse/Partner Group

After 6 months

An ongoing peer support and educational group for people who are 55 and younger who have experienced the death of a spouse, partner or significant other and are beyond the first 6 months.

Meets monthly on the 1st Thursday at 7pm
at the Highlands Church. 

Young Loss of a Spouse/Partner Group

No Timeline

An ongoing peer support and educational group for people who are 55 and younger who have experienced the death of a spouse, partner or significant other. Regardless of how long ago the death occurred, you are welcome to attend. 

Meets monthly on the 3rd Tuesday at 6pm at HeartLight Center.

Loss of a Parent/Caregiver

Loss of a Parent(s)
Support Group

An ongoing peer support and educational group for people who have experienced the death of a parent or adult caregiver. Regardless of how long ago the death occurred, you are welcome to attend.

Meets monthly on the 3rd Wednesday at 7pm at HeartLight Center.

NEW Loss of a Parent(s)
Support Group

An ongoing peer support and educational group for people who have experienced the death of a parent or adult caregiver. Regardless of how long ago the death occurred, you are welcome to attend.

Meets monthly on the 1st Wednesday at 4pm at HeartLight Center starting February 2025.

Loss of a Child

 Loss of a Child Support Group

An ongoing peer support and educational group for bereaved parents, grandparents, caregivers, and adult siblings who have experienced the death of a child at any age and for any reason.

Meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6pm at HeartLight Center.

Loss of a Sibling

Bereaved Siblings Support Group

An ongoing peer support and educational group for people who have experienced the death of a sibling. Regardless of how long ago the death occurred, you are welcome to attend.

Meets monthly on the 1st Thursday at 4:30pm at HeartLight Center.

*Please note: this group is intended for those grieving a death loss of a sibling and is not appropriate for those experiencing sibling estrangement. 

Suicide & Substance Loss Groups

Suicide Loss Grief Support Group

An ongoing peer support and educational group for people who have experienced a suicide death-loss. Regardless of relationship or how long ago the death occurred, you are welcome to attend.

Meets monthly on the 4th
Monday at 4pm
at HeartLight Center.

Transforming After a Suicide Loss
After the 1st Year

An ongoing peer support and educational group for people who have experienced a suicide death-loss and are at least one year post-loss wanting additional support beyond the first year with topic specific meetings.

Meets monthly on the 4th Monday at 4pm at HeartLight Center.

**If you are new to HeartLight, please start with the 4th Monday Suicide Loss Group Meeting.

Substance Loss Grief Support Group

An ongoing peer support and educational group for people who have experienced a death loss where substance use, abuse or overdose are part of the life or death narrative. Regardless of how long ago the death occurred, you are welcome to attend.

Meets monthly on 3rd Monday at 7pm at HeartLight Center.

*Please note: This group is not appropriate for individuals who are currently dealing with substance abuse. 

Upcoming Workshops

We welcome you to join us for upcoming seminars and workshops that explore various topics on the grief journey.

Growing with our Grief: Understanding the Science and Tools for Somatic Healing – Denver

The workshop, created by The LIGHT Movement, is a 2-hour experience designed to help participants understand the physiological impact of grief and learn somatic tools for growth and integration. Rooted in the goals of The LIGHT Movement, the workshop aims to remind participants they are not alone, teach science-based somatic practices to support mind-body integration, and foster meaning-making and purpose in grief. Through an inclusive and supportive environment, attendees explore concepts like contraction and expansion, polyvagal theory, the window of tolerance, and vagus nerve regulation. Practical tools, including gentle yoga, breathwork, bilateral movements, and vagus nerve stimulation, are practiced to empower participants to navigate their grief. The session concludes with reflection and grounding, offering a pathway to self-compassion and community solidarity while honoring diverse grief experiences. This workshop equips participants with actionable knowledge and practices to continue growing with their grief journeys.  Register on the LIGHT Movement website.

Date: Sat. Feb. 8th from 10-12pm at HeartLight Center
Suggested Donation: $40, registration required

hands typing on a keyboard

LIVING With Grief Workshop – Denver

Please join us in a space of holding both gratitude and grief as we courageously enter the new year without our loved ones. Moving forward with a sense of enjoyment is often accompanied by guilt for seemingly “stepping out of” our grief. Amanda will guide you through the use of various self-care approaches including writing exercises, sharing, EFT Tapping, and more, with a focus on continuing the bond with your loved one while allowing yourself to embrace what 2025 has in store for you.

Date: Wed. Feb. 12th from 6-8:00pm at HeartLight Center
Cost: $35, registration required

hands typing on a keyboard

Valentine’s Day Remembrance – Denver

For those who have experienced the loss of a spouse, partner or significant other, we invite you to join us for a Valentine’s Day Remembrance with hot chocolate, cookies, and remembering our beloveds.

Date: Friday, Feb. 14th from 4-5:30pm at HeartLight Center

hands typing on a keyboard

Open heART Studio – Denver

We invite you to share in a creative space to help explore and connect about grief through art. HeartLight Center will provide supplies that you can use to create either an instructed activity, or something of your own. You are welcome to bring any art supplies, images, relics or materials that you would like to work with. No past art experience required.
Featured Activity: Color Wheel of Feelings – a multi-media creation that explores color theory and the many emotional experiences of grief.

Date: Saturday, March 15 9am-11:30am at HeartLight Center

Cost: $40, includes supplies

hands typing on a keyboard

Walking With Grief: Mindfulness Walk – Denver

Join us for a mindfulness walk that honors ourselves, our connection with nature and with our grief. A mindfulness walk is a type of meditative, contemplative, intentional walk that creates movement while focusing our body’s on physical sensations and what nature around us is doing and evoking within us. It can be a helpful way to copy with grief by helping to get out of our heads and back into our bodies, and in connection with the world of nature.

Date: Friday, March 21 10am-11:30am at HeartLight Center

Cost: $20, includes materials

hands typing on a keyboard

The Anger of Grief: A Somatic Workshop – Denver

Anger is a “stage” of grief that doesn’t often get talked about, yet is an emotion everyone feels. There is a wide variety of ways that anger, irritability and frustration arise in grief. Join us in a space dedicated to discussing and processing anger and learn tools for safely experiencing and working through this complex emotion as normal part of the grief journey.

Please wear clothing that you have full range of motion in. 

Date: Friday, March 28, 2025
Time: 10am-12pm
Location: HeartLight Center (11150 E Dartmouth Ave, Denver, CO 80014)

Cost: $30, includes materials. Registration is required.

hands typing on a keyboard

Not Seeing What You Are Looking For?

As we continue to grow our programming, we want to hear about what you are looking for. If you have a specific request, any questions or would like more information, please contact us, or fill out the form below.

Programming Interest Form

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Type of Group(Required)

*Please note that we need at least 3 individuals to commit before we can schedule.

Let us know your preference of virtual or in-person, or if you have any specific preference for location.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Grief Resources

Our professional support network can connect you to the resources that will meet your needs.