Honoring Samhain – A Mindfulness Walk – In-Person Denver
In partnership with Celtic Way, join us for a mindfulness walk that honors ourselves, our connection with nature through the Samhain festival traditions, and honoring intentionality with our grief.
Samhain is a Celtic New Year tradition that invites honoring those who came before us, setting intentions for the new year, and sitting together in community for a feast. In honoring of these traditions, we invite you to join us for a special mindfulness nature walk that will include Samhain traditions and activities, as well as a meal together.
Cost: $30, includes the meal and materials.
*Weather permitting, we will use the Memorial Gardens for walking with indoor backup. Please bring appropriate weather attire and whatever will make you comfortable for the gentle, contemplative walk.
Friday, Nov 1 | 10:00am-12:00pm | HeartLight Center Gardens
Registration is required.